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Red Ironwood - Despite the wood's reknown, however, ironwood isn't a specific species. Rather, it's the colloquial term for a state or region's toughest wood. All told, there are 80 distinct species around the world known as ironwood.

In Texas, for instance, it's honey mesquite. The ironwood found in the northern U.S., Canada, and Europe is actually hophornbeam. Florida has horsetail casuarina as its ironwood. In Australia, it's Queensland red ironwood; in Ceylon, gangsaw. Brazil touts pau ferro and quebracho. So, wherever you live, you'll never be wrong equating the toughest wood you know with iron, you just won't be technically correct. Whatever the exact scientific term for the different species, trees for the different species, trees designated as ironwood frequently become homemade tool handles, mallets, fence posts, levers, and handles for knives

Ironbark, Red

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